Alessandro Delfanti. Biohackers. The Politics of Open Science. Pluto Press



Alessandro Delfanti. Biohackers. The Politics of Open Science. Pluto Press

Alessandro Delfanti

The Politics of Open Science

Pluto Press


Biohackers explores fundamental changes occuring in the circulation and ownership of scientific information. Alessandro Delfanti argues that the combination of the ethos of 20th century science, the hacker movement and the free software movement is producing an open science culture which redefines the relationship between researchers, scientific institutions and commercial companies.
Biohackers looks at the emergence of the citizen biology community "DIYbio", the shift to open access by the American biologist Craig Venter and the rebellion of the Italian virologist Ilaria Capua against WHO data-sharing policies.
Delfanti argues that these biologists and many others are involved in a transformation of both life sciences and information systems, using open access tools and claiming independence from both academic and corporate institutions.


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