Marco Mancuso. Arte, Tecnologia e Scienza. Mimesis

 Marco Mancuso. Arte, Tecnologia e Scienza. Mimesis

Marked by constant evolution on a cultural, aesthetic and moral level of the relationship progress-human beings-environment, the era in which we live compels us to ask ourselves: what kind of impact are technologies and sciences having on art, design and contemporary culture? At the intersection of art criticism and cultural journalism, this book (in Italian language) presents an articulated analysis and comprehensive description of research and practice in the fields of contemporary Media Art, guiding the reader through a complex and interdisciplinary landscape, made up of independent self-productions, institutions, workshops, and industries aimed at exploring the relationship between hybrid markets at the intersection of art, design, architecture, sound, fashion, performance, scientific research and technological innovation. The book explores a selection of figures and projects of the contemporary and includes a series of interviews with experts in the field with the goal of extrapolating and emphasizing strategies and sharing a possible innovative economic model for art and culture.


Marco Mancuso
Arte, Tecnologia e Scienza. Le Art Industries e i nuovi paradigmi di produzione nella New Media Art contemporanea

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