Mario Savini. Arte transgenica. La vita è il medium. Pisa University Press

Mario Savini. Arte trangenica. La vita è il medium. Pisa University Press


What is transgenic art? How does it influence the landscape of contemporary visual art culture? What is the relationship between art, science, and life? This book - with a preface of Yves Michaud - focuses on important artistic developments brought forward by the use of genetic engineering techniques.
Aside from carrying out a critical analysis, all the artists who combine genetic material of different origins are identified and recounted. The book (only in Italian) provides an interpretation of the creativity that inevitably involves the most significant aspects of social life, showing a radical cultural redefinition. The objective is also to indicate, through an unpublished documentation, the most significant changes that have emerged in contemporary art since the last decade of the 1900s.
Although limited in scope, transgenic art is an important field in the current cultural system which, when associated with other performative practices, compels us to review the actual meaning of "art".

The author
Mario Savini
(PhD University of Teramo - Italy). He is an art critic and journalist. He is interested in the social aspects of New Media and in the relations between contemporary visual culture and biotechnologies. He taught "Net Art" at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and Macerata and "Digital Applications for Art" at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania. He is the author of the book "Postinterface" (Pisa University Press). His articles have been published in Wired (Italian version) and Nòva-Il Sole 24 Ore. Currently, he is collaborating with the University of Teramo.


Mario Savini
Arte transgenica. La vita è il medium
Preface of Yves Michaud
Pisa University Press
September 2018


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Arte transgenica Mario Savini




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