Antoine Schmitt. Paris, Galerie Charlot

Antoine Schmitt

Galerie Charlot

Antoine Schmitt
From 10.16.2013 to 11.23.2013

Installation artist, Antoine Schmitt creates artworks in the form of objects, installations or situations: dynamic systems, of minimalist aesthetics, to address the notion of self movement as shape and as point of view. Heir of kinetic art and cybernetic art, nourished by metaphysical science-fiction, he reveals and literally manipulates the forces at stake, to question the modalities of the free being in complex systems of reality. Originally programming engineer in human computer interactions and artificial intelligence, he places the program, a radically new material in art history due to its essence of active matter, at the core of most of his artworks. Antoine Schmitt, alone or through collaborations, has undertaken a confrontation of this approach with more established artistic fields like music, dance, architecture, literature or cinema, of which he revisits the codes.


Tag: Galerie Charlot

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