Call for Papers. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ICOAH 2019). Deadline: May 20, 2019




The 6th International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ICOAH) 2019 will be held on 19-20 September 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The theme of the conference is "Decolonization in the Arts and Humanities". Decolonized practice aims to be equitable among all cultures, to be precise in language and in historical context, to respect all ways of knowing and being, to better represent past knowledge, and to generate new knowledge based on these values. This year’s conference will focus on research and art that challenge colonialist academic structures and paradigms, that tell stories in their authentic historical contexts, and that celebrate indigenous ways. Artists, researchers, educators, and visionaries from all cultures and disciplines will share and discuss research of local significance; technological innovation designed to empower, include, and decolonize; listening practices (in culture, history, language, environment, and perception studies); and interrelations among old and new practices.

Abstracts submission Deadline: 20th May 2019


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