Call for papers. Vienna. Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science. Deadline May 31, 2020


Call for papers. Vienna. Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science. Deadline March 31, 2020


The fourth international conference Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science will take place November 26–28, 2020, in Austria, hosted by the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Including theoretical and art practice presentations, TTT2020 continues to focus (a) on questions about the nature of the forbidden and aesthetics of liminality as expressed in art that uses or is inspired by technology and science, and (b) on the opening of spaces for creative transformation in the merging of science and art.
Submissions are welcome from all art and research fields and cutting-edge technology in arts-based research. Suggested, but not exclusive topics, are those associated with: Biopunk, hybridity and aesthetics of mutation; Cyborg, augmentation and bοdy modification; Post-gender, transgressive identities and social models; Psychopharmacology, somatechnology, and post-humanism; Chemistry of the mind, natural healers, and mind enhancement; Biotechnology, DIYbio, and biohacking; Ethology, human and nonhuman; Evolution, genetics, and extended evolutionary synthesis; Cyber-eroticism, sex technology, and techno-lust; Biopolitics, displacement, and resistance. The conference language is English. Proposals are submitted for consideration to the members of the scientific and artistic committee.


TTT2020: Call for papers, posters and artist-talks
Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence in Art & Science 2020
Deadline for proposals: May 31, 2020
The University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria, 26–28 November 2020



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