Salvatore Iaconesi, Oriana Persico. Human Ecosystems. EC (m1)


Real-time Cultural Ecosystem of the City of Rome, Space


EC (m1) is a technological system capable of observing, analyzing, and visualizing all the interactions on social networks through which internet users discuss about the cultural life of the city of Rome, in 29 languages.
The result is a generative infoscape constantly changing, made ​​available through three infoaesthetics updated in real time: the Space, Time and Relationships of culture. All the information generated by the system are released as a new source of Open Data, available to citizens, administrations, businesses - which is in fact a key part of the project. Built with the support and collaboration of the Cultural Council of the First Municipality of Rome's City Administration, it is the first of a series of Ecosystems which we will be publishing in the next months. You can find more information about the project here.





Tag: Salvatore Iaconesi, Oriana Persico

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