Existence. The 3D experience created by the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (University of Udine)


Existence. The 3D experience created by the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (University of Udine) 

Existence explores the potential of videogame and virtual reality techniques to propose an interactive reflection about human mortality. The 3D experience, created by the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (University of Udine), can be tried on the web at the address http://hcilab.uniud.it/existence.
"We wanted to face a difficult challenge, far away from the usual entertainment dimension of video games," explains Luca Chittaro, professor of human-computer interaction and HCI Lab director. "In addition, - he emphasizes - we often remove death as a part of our digital life, in the illusory feeling of living a hyper-present, where everything and everyone appears to persist indefinitely, when in fact popular sites like Facebook are already virtual cemeteries, where the number of profiles of deceased users is surpassing that of the living".


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